banglalink presents ‘ahoban’ pre-paid package with the lowest tariff @ 4.17 paisa/10 seconds in 1 banglalink number and 10 paisa/10 seconds to other operators.
► Tariff Plans :
•• to banglalink numbers:
24 hours : 20 paisa/10 seconds (1.20tk/min.)
•• to other numbers:
24 hours : 10 paisa/10 seconds (0.60tk/min.)
•• 1 banglalink partner (super fnf) tariff:
24 hours : 4.17 paisa/10 seconds (0.25tk/min.)
•• sms charges:
to other local numbers: 0.50tk/sms.
to international numbers: 2.50tk/sms.
**15% vat will apply
• to migrate banglalink ahoban, write ‘A’ and send SMS to 9999 (free)
► other details/conditions:
• all banglalink pre-paid (except e-voucher) customers can migrate to this package.
• you will be able to change this package every 7 days.
• to set banglalink special fnf number, dial *166*7*banglalink number#
(example: *166*7*01911310900#)
• the special fnf number can be changed once every 7 days.
• to change special fnf number, dial *166*8*old banglalink number*new banglalink number#
(example: *166*8*01911310900*01911304121#)
• raater kotha offer and other special tariff offers are not applicable for this package.