banglalink 1paisa/sec offer on 21tk recharge with 21% bonus on any internet

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banglalink users, Now, by recharging only 21 taka, enjoy 1 paisa/sec to any number 24 hours and get 21% bonus on any internet pack.

► offer details/conditions:

• all banglalink prepaid, sme and pco (without e-voucher) customers can enjoy the offer

• to get this offer, recharge exactly 21tk only.

• the special tariff validity 4 days ( including the day of recharge.)

• bonus internet term will amount to a third of the internet pack.

• bonus internet pack validity is at least 24 hours.

• to know the remaining balance of bonus internet, dial *124*44*#

• offer can be availed multiple times during the duration of the campaign. on multiple recharges, longer validity will prevail

• to unsubscribe from this offer at any time, dial *166*29#

• other tariff offers/ bonus minutes will not be applicable during the validity period of this offer

• after the special tariff validity period, the previous offer/package will reapply

• vat applicable

• this is a limited time offer


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