all airtel prepaid customers talk 0.5paisa/sec to any airtel number and 1paisa/sec to others number on 26tk and 99tk recharge
recharge 26tk to get FNF rates to all numbers, all day long.
a) 0.30tk/min with 1 sec pulse, 24 hours to any airtel numbers
b) 0.60tk/min with 1 sec pulse, 24 hours to other operator numbers
• validity : 7 days [recharge date + 6 days]
recharge 99tk to get FNF rates to all numbers, all day long.
a) 0.30tk/min with 1 sec pulse, 24 hours to any airtel numbers
b) 0.60tk/min with 1 sec pulse, 24 hours to other operator numbers
• validity : 30 days [recharge date + 29 days]
other details :
• to continue enjoying the offer, customer needs to make recharge of 26tk and 99tk
• recharge amount will be added on your account
• with this offer customer will not enjoy any other voice bonus offer
• To cancel this offer, customers need to type Stop< space > Rate and send to 4000 (free).
airtel 26tk recharge 1paisa call rate, airtel 99tk recharge 1paisa call rate
recharge 26tk to get FNF rates to all numbers, all day long.
a) 0.30tk/min with 1 sec pulse, 24 hours to any airtel numbers
b) 0.60tk/min with 1 sec pulse, 24 hours to other operator numbers
• validity : 7 days [recharge date + 6 days]
recharge 99tk to get FNF rates to all numbers, all day long.
a) 0.30tk/min with 1 sec pulse, 24 hours to any airtel numbers
b) 0.60tk/min with 1 sec pulse, 24 hours to other operator numbers
• validity : 30 days [recharge date + 29 days]
other details :
• to continue enjoying the offer, customer needs to make recharge of 26tk and 99tk
• recharge amount will be added on your account
• with this offer customer will not enjoy any other voice bonus offer
• To cancel this offer, customers need to type Stop< space > Rate and send to 4000 (free).
airtel 26tk recharge 1paisa call rate, airtel 99tk recharge 1paisa call rate