Grameenphone BONDHU prepaid package with 1 Super FnF & 17 FnF (NEW)

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Grameenphone BONDHU package with the highest number of F&F numbers, allows you to talk to total of 18 F&F numbers. With 10 second pulse facility, this is the only Consumer prepaid package offered by Grameenphone that gives you calling to 1 GP-GP Super F&F at only 5 paisa/ 10 second. In addition, 17 (maximum) any operator F&F are available at 11 paisa/ 10 second.

•• to grameenphone numbers:

24 hours : 25.5 paisa/ 10 second

•• to other numbers:

24 hours : 25.5 paisa/ 10 second

•• 1 Super FnF tariff:

(GP-GP) : 5 paisa/ 10 second

•• 17 fnf's tariff:

to grameenphone fnf numbers:

24 hours : 11 paisa/ 10 second

to other fnf numbers:

24 hours : 11 paisa/ 10 second

•• sms charges:

to grameenphone numbers: 50 paisa/SMS (within 160 characters)
to other numbers: 50 paisa/SMS (within 160 characters)
to international numbers: 2.50tk/SMS (within 160 characters)

• pulse: 10sec (on net, off net & btcl)

- migration process: type “B” and sending SMS to 4444 (charge FREE)

***Note :

• 3% Supplementary Duty (SD) +15 % VAT on price inclusive of SD  will be applicable

• F&F numbers can be changed after every 15 days

• To ADD Super F&F number, type SF your desired GP number and send SMS to 2888

• to change GP super fnf, type SFC<space>old number<space>new number and send SMS to 2888

• Write SF (space) Your desired GP number and send SMS to 2888 to set Super F&F number

► Bondhu Package Discounted Internet offer 75 MB 3G pack at 25 Taka :

• Bondhu package customers can enjoy 75 MB 3G pack at 25TK

• To activate 75MB 3G pack: Dial *500*59#

• 3% Supplementary Duty (SD) +15 % VAT on price inclusive of SD  will be applicable

► GP bondhu Package 200 SMS at 5Tk bundle Offer:

•  200 bundle SMS offer will be charged  5Tk (+ 15 % VAT)

• To get this offer, dial  *111*10*6# (free)

• SMS bundle validity will be 3 days

• To check the SMS balance, dial *566*2# (free)

• The bundle SMS will be applicable for GP-GP SMS only

• 3% Supplementary Duty (SD) +15 % VAT on price inclusive of SD  will be applicable

► Free ComoYo and Facebook Messenger offer :

• Free ComoYo & Facebook messenger is applicable for all new and old bondhu customers

• ComoYo application will be free across all Smartphone platforms

• Facebook messenger will be FREE and available only in Android & iOs platforms

• The customer needs to have an active data plan to avail the free ComoYo messenger & Facebook Messenger FREE offer
When using “Messenger Service” through Smartphone, data charge for ComoYo and Facebook Messenger is completely FREE but Smartphone backed data consumption & charges will always be applicable

• To get this offer, customers of Bondhu package needs to download the ComoYo and Facebook Messenger application from their smartphone’s respective application store ( e.g. Google Play; Windows Store)

• File sharing through Facebook messenger will be free only for image sharing. Internet charge will be applicable for Voice & others file sharing

• For volume based internet pack, no volume will be deducted for ComoYo messenger & FB messenger’s messaging services

• 3% Supplementary Duty (SD) +15 % VAT on price inclusive of SD  will be applicable

► Bondhu Package FREE Buddy Tracker offer :

•Bondhu tracker is completely free for Bondhu customers during the campaign period.

• To register, type START and SMS to 3020. To add friends, type ADD<space>friend’s mobile number<space>Friend’s Name and SMS to 3020.

• To accept a friend request, type Y<space>Friend’s mobile number and SMS to 3020.

• To locate your friend’s location, type Locate<space>Friend’s mobile number or type Name and SMS to 3020.

• To locate you own location, type Locate<space>Me and SMS to 3020.

• 3% Supplementary Duty (SD) +15 % VAT on price inclusive of SD  will be applicable

Bondhu Package Offers 18 F&Fs, Grameenphone BONDHU prepaid package, Grameenphone BONDHU package

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