As per BTRC action plan, all mobile phone users are required to re-verify their SIMs through biometric verification system. All un-verified SIMs will get closed after 30 April 2016.
To know if your SIM is verified or not, follow below procedure to make sure:
Check Banglalink SIM is biometric verified or not
dial *1600*1# (Free)
Check Robi SIM is biometric verified or not
dial *1600*1# (Free)
Check Airtel SIM is biometric verified or not
dial *121*444# (Free)
To know if your SIM is verified or not, follow below procedure to make sure:
Check GrameenPhone SIM is biometric verified or not
write Reg and send SMS to 4949 (Free)
Check Banglalink SIM is biometric verified or not
dial *1600*1# (Free)
Check Robi SIM is biometric verified or not
dial *1600*1# (Free)
Check Airtel SIM is biometric verified or not
dial *121*444# (Free)
Check Teletalk SIM is biometric verified or not
write Q and send SMS to 1600 (Free)
Airtel Biometric Registration Check Code, Banglalink Biometric Registration Check Code, Biometric Bangladesh, Check Biometric, Check Biometric Registration, Check SIM Registration Status, Fingerprint Registration Bangladesh, Gremeenphone Biometric Registration Check Code, How To Know My SIM Is Registered Or Not, Robi Biometric Registration Check Code, SIM Re-registration, SIM Registration Bangladesh, SIM Registration Process, Teletalk Biometric Registration Check Code, Verify Biometric Registration, Verify SIM Registration
Airtel Biometric Registration Check Code, Banglalink Biometric Registration Check Code, Biometric Bangladesh, Check Biometric, Check Biometric Registration, Check SIM Registration Status, Fingerprint Registration Bangladesh, Gremeenphone Biometric Registration Check Code, How To Know My SIM Is Registered Or Not, Robi Biometric Registration Check Code, SIM Re-registration, SIM Registration Bangladesh, SIM Registration Process, Teletalk Biometric Registration Check Code, Verify Biometric Registration, Verify SIM Registration