Narration (উক্তি) : কাহারো বক্তব্য বা কথাকেই Narration বা উক্তি বলে ।
Narration এর প্রকারভেদ : Narration দুই প্রকার ।যথা :-
- Direct Narration (প্রত্যক্ষ উক্তি)
- Indirect Narration (পরোক্ষউক্তি) ।
যেমন :-
- he says, "I am happy."
- She said, "I write a letter."
- He said, "I am reading."
- Tania said, "I am not wrong"
- Maha said, "I met Jesmine"
যেমন :-
- He says that he is happy.
- She said that she wrote a letter.
- He said that he was reading.
- Tania said that she was not wrong,
- Maha said that she had met Jesmine.