How to active or stop teletalk teletune Services

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Now you can let your friends listen to your favorite tunes every time they call. You just need to subscribe Tele Tune service from your Teletalk Number & select your favorite Tunes from the huge collections of Tele Tune Library.
teletalk teletune
To Activate Tele Tune Services:
Activate Through SMS:
Go to the message option & type TT<Space>Code and send to 5000

You can activate the service without sending any code through below SMS:
TT<Space>START and send to 5000
After that, you can download any song as per regular process.
SMS Charge: Free

Activate Through IVR:
Tele Tune services can be activated through IVR on 5000 short code. You can experience the following facilities from IVR 5000:
Song Settings for Special Caller
Default Song Setting
Song Deletion
Listen Categorized Song Library [Bangla, Hindi, Popular, Western, Separate option for albums]

Activate Through CCCgui:

You can also activate Tele Tune services from CCCgui with the help of Teletalk Customer Care agents.

To Deactivate Tele Tune Services:

You can deactivate Tele Tune services through SMS. Go to your handset’s message option & Type:
TT<space>STOP and send to 5000

SMS Charge: Free
You can also deactivate Tele Tune services through IVR and CCC gui.

Reactivate Tele Tune Services:

You can reactivate Tele Tune service with your previously purchased song gallery within 60 days after deactivation. After 60 Days if the system doesn’t find enough balance in your account. Then your gallery will be removed from the system.

Charges: For Reactivation normal/monthly activation charge will be applicable.

Tariff for Tele Tune Service:



Monthly (20 Days)

Tk. 20

Fortnightly (15 days)

Tk. 12

Weekly (7 Days)

Tk. 7

Song Download

Tk. 10

*15% VAT & SD charges applicable on above tariff.

At the time of first activation and renewal of Tele Tune service above mentioned tariff table will be applicable. For Postpaid, only monthly charging is applicable.
SMS Keyword and Reply
Symbolic Name
Key Words
SMS Text (Reply)
Active TT Service without song
Customer will be able to avail TT service by sending this keyword
We have received your request. You will receive a confirmation SMS soon.
Thank you for subscribing Tele Tune. TK 20 (+15% VAT+SD) has been charged from your account as subscription fee from 20-02-2012 to 20-03-2012. To unsubscribe, type STOP , send to 5000 (Free).
Tele Tune has been successfully set as your Tele Tune. You can download another song as free. Type TT(Space)Code and send to 5000. Thanks
Active TT Service with song
TT <Space> Code
Customers will send the request by selecting a
We have received your request. You will receive a confirmation SMS soon.
Thank you for subscribing Tele Tune. TK 20 (+15% VAT+SD) has been charged from your account as subscription fee from 20-02-2012 to 20-03-2012. To unsubscribe, type STOP, send to 5000 (Free).

You have successfully purchased (Song Name)asTele Tune and TK. 00.00 (+15% VAT+SD) has been charged from your account. Thanks.
Purchase a Song
TT <Space> Code

After subscription, when customers will send request to purchase song
You have successfully purchased (Song Name) as Tele Tune and TK. 10.00 (+15% VAT+SD) has been charged from your account. Thanks.

You have successfully set (Song Name) as your Tele Tune. Thanks.
Cancel TT
TT <Space> STOP
Customers will send request to deactivate the service
Your request for cancelling Tele Tune service is accepted.  You will receive a confirmation SMS after the service is cancelled.

You have successfully unsubscribed from Tele Tune service. To subscribe again, send SMS or dial 5000 at 75 paisa/min. Thanks.
Song Search
<Space> Song Name/Artist Name
A subscriber can search for song by sending this SMS. The response contains a list of songs
Following search results have been found from your request. 1. Song Name(Artist Name)-Code; 2. Song Name(Artist Name)-Code; 3. Song Name(Artist Name)-Code; 4. Song Name(Artist Name)-Code; 5. Song Name(Artist Name)-Code. To activate Tele Tune, type TT(Space)Code and send to 5000.

No Search result found.
Sorry your search found no results. Please enter a different keyword and SMS Find<Space>Song Name/Artist Name/Movie to 5000. Thank You.
Search through Code

Tele Tune has found! Song Code-XXXX; Song Name: XXXXXX; Artist-XXXXX. To dwonloadTele Tune, type TT(Space)Code and send to 5000. Thank You.


Sorry your search found no results. Please enter a different code. Thank You.
Song Deletion
TT Rem  <<Song code>>

The Song (Song Name till 15 Characters) has been removed from your Gallery. Thank You.
Set a TT for a specific caller
TT SET <<song code>> MSISDN

Congrats. The MSISDN 01***** will now hear the song (Song Name upto 15 Characters) as your  Special caller tune. Thank You.
Delete a Specific caller settings
TT Reset   <<msisdn>>

You have reset  all settings for the Song <<Song Name uptill 15 Characters>>. You can set it again for all callers by sending TT SET <<Song Code>> ALL.
TOP Tele Tune
TT <space> TOP

To download Tele Tune, type TT<space>Code and send to 5000. 1. Song Name(Singer Name)-Song Code; 2. Song Name(Singer Name)-Song Code; 3. Song Name(Singer Name)-Song Code; 4. Song Name(Singer Name)-Song Code.

5. Song Name(Singer Name)-Song Code; 6. Song Name(Singer Name)-Song Code; 7. Song Name(Singer Name)-Song Code; 8. Song Name(Singer Name)-Song Code; 9. Song Name(Singer Name)-Song Code; 10. Song Name(Singer Name)-Song Code.
New Uploaded Song Code
TT <space> New

To download Tele Tune, type TT<space>Code and send to 5000. 1. Song Name(Singer Name)-Song Code; 2. Song Name(Singer Name)-Song Code; 3. Song Name(Singer Name)-Song Code; 4. Song Name(Singer Name)-Song Code.
Wrong Keyword

You have sent an invalid request. To know service details, visit Thank You.

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