Banglalink New SIM Offer 2GB Internet 19 Tk Recharge Upto 8GB & 300 Minutes

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Banglalink new SIM offer 2017, With a new Banglalink SIM, now you get up to 8 GB internet and up to 300 minute of talktime.For internet mb you should recharge Tk.44 & for minutes recharge Tk.48.First 44 Tk recharge you will get 2GB internet for 15 days.

Banglalink New SIM Offer 2017:

➤ Pre-loaded Tk. 5 balance with 15 days validly.
➤ 50 MB bonus internet, valid for 3 days.
➤ To know your internet balance, dial *124*5#.
➤ 50 free SMS to any Banglalink number, valid for 10 days.
➤ To check your bonus SMS, dial *124*4#.
➤ Free Banglalink Tune on Amar Tune, valid for 30 days.
➤ To extend the subscription, type ‘start’ and SMS to 2222 number.
➤ 20.83 paisa/10 second to all numbers for 24 hours.

First 44 Tk Recharge 2GB of Internet Free:

➤ 1 paisa/sec to all operators with 1 second pulse, valid for 30 days.
➤ Once this tariff expires, the tariff shall be as per the base package rate.
➤ 2 GB bonus internet valid for 15 days
➤ 50 Banglalink to Banglalink SMS valid for 7 days.
➤ Daily maximum usage limit of the 2 GB data packs is 350 MB.
On the next month, you will get the chance to buy a 2 GB internet pack with 7 days validity on exact recharge of Tk. 19.
➤ Special tariffs will not be applicable for bonus usage.
➤ Pay as you Go rate will be Tk. 1/MB with lifetime validity. Pulse will be 10 KB.
➤ To check internet usage, dial *124*67#.
➤ To check bonus minutes and bonus SMS, dial *124*65#.

First 48 Tk Recharge 300 Banglalink to any operator bonus minutes:

➤ First 48 Tk Recharge offer
➤ 75 Banglalink to any operator bonus minutes and 200 MB bonus internet valid for 30 days
➤ 50 Banglalink to Banglalink SMS valid for 7 days.
➤ Special tariffs will not be applicable for bonus usage.
➤ Pay as you Go rate will be Tk. 1/MB with lifetime validity. Pulse will be 10 KB.
➤ To check bonus minutes, bonus SMS, and bonus internet, dial *124*24#.

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