Gp 10 MB @ 5 Tk Emergency Internet Balance

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Welcome to Gp emergency internet balance offer or gp emergency 10 mb 5 tk service, Grameenphone lunched emergency 10 mb internet balance service for their customers.

How to check that you are eligible for gp 10 mb emergency internet balance or not?
Customer need to have main balance Tk 1 or less with no data volume in account

Gp Emergency Internet Balance:

• Applicable only for GP Prepaid customers
• Customer needs to dial *121*1*8# to avail the offer
• Eligibility: Customer need to have main balance Tk 1 or less with no data volume in account
• In case of recharge, voice emergency balance will get first priority. In case of two emergency balances, the customer will receive the requested amount only after both the emergency balances have been deducted
• Customers will be offered 10MB data loan @ Tk 5 (2 days validity)
• Tk 5 will be deducted from account next time customer recharges
• 5% Supplementary Duty (SD) + 15 % VAT inclusive of SD will be applicable for all charges + 1% surcharge on base tariff
• This offer is not applicable for skitto users

if you have any question please comment us, we will replay you back soon.

gp emergency mb balance, gp 5 tk mb load, gp mb loan, gp emergency internet, gp 10mb 5tk loan, gp emergency internet balance.

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