Banglalink 2.5GB @ 5 Tk after Buying some Specific Internet Packages

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Banglalink 2.5GB at 5 Tk.Banglalink also known as BL gives you an opportunity to get 2.5GB internet at 5 Tk only! Now get double the internet volume by adding 5TK more or dial *5000*555# after buying any of the following internet packages.

Banglalink 2.5GB @ 5 Tk 

PriceVol.& ValidityActivationBonus on 5Tk AddBonus Activation
49 Tk500MB
7 Days
Recharge 49TK
or Dial
500MBRecharge 5TK
or Dial
99 Tk1.5GB
7 Days
Recharge 99TK
or Dial
1.5GBRecharge 5TK
or Dial
129 Tk2.5GB
7 Days
Recharge 129TK
or Dial
2.5GBRecharge 5TK
or Dial
209 Tk1.5GB
30 Days
Recharge 209TK
or Dial
1.5GBRecharge 5TK
or Dial
399 Tk3GB
7 Days
Recharge 399TK
or Dial
3GBRecharge 5TK
or Dial

That means if you buy one of those following internet packages and recharge 5 Tk or dial *5000*555# you will get same pake for 5 Tk.You can also get 500MB, 1.5GB, 3GB at 5 Tk by purchasing following packages.

How to activate 5 Tk internet packages?
First you should buy buy any data pack from the list above and then recharge 5TK or Dial *5000*555# to double your internet volume.

Offer Information:
  • Buy any data pack from the list, then recharge 5TK or Dial *5000*555# to double your internet volume
  • The 5 Tk bonus can be avail only once.
  • Bonus validity same day of the main pack
  • Customers can avail the offer multiple time
  • The data volume can be used for using any services
  • The prices are inclusive of VAT, SD & SC

  • After pack expiry, customers can browse data at PAYG rate of 1TK/MB (incl. tax) with 10KB pulse
  • If multiple packs exist during AddOn pack purchase, pack with highest volume will receive the addon bonus
  • Any prepaid or call & control subscribers will be eligible for this special offer

If you have any question about this offer, then comment we will replay you. back soon.

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