Bangladesh Government Holidays List 2020

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Ministry of Public Administration, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Published 2020 list of the holidays on The Bangladesh government has Publication that in all the government and semi-government offices of Bangladesh and autonomous and non-autonomous organizations in 2020, the following holidays will be observed.

Bangladesh Government Holidays List 2020

Bangladesh Government and Non-Government Primary School Holiday 2020

Bangladesh Government and Non-Government School Calendar 2020:

Bangladesh Government and Non-Government School Holiday 2020: 

Bangladesh Government Holidays List 2020

Bangladesh Government Holidays List 2020

Bangladesh Government Holidays List 2020

Bangladesh Government Holidays List 2020

Bangladesh Government Holidays List 2020

Also can see Secondary and Higher Education Division Official Website: [Bangladesh Government and Non-Government School Holiday 2020  ##eye##]

Bangladesh Government Official Calendar 2020, Government Holiday list 2020 (বাংলাদেশ সরকারের ছুটির তালিকা 2020, বাংলাদেশ সরকারী ক্যালেন্ডার 2020):

Ministry of Public Administration, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh  2020 holiday list:

Also can see Ministry of Public Administration Official Website: [Bangladesh Government Holidays List 2020  ##eye##]

1. General leave = 14 days (including 7 days weekly holidays)

2. Official leave of executive order = 8 days (weekly holidays)

3. Optional leave (Muslim period) = 5 days (including 1 weekly holiday)

4. Optional leave (Hindu period) = 8 days (including 3 weekly holidays)

5. Optional Holiday (Christian period) = 8 Days (Including 3 Weekly Holidays)

6. Optional holidays (Buddhist period) = 5 days (including 2 weekly holidays)

7. Optional holidays (Chittagong Hill Tracts area and small ethnic groups period) = 2 days

Tags: Bangladesh Govt. leave 2020, 2020 Muslim period holiday, 2020 Hindu period holiday, 2020 Christian period holiday, 2020 Buddhist period holiday, 2020 Chittagong Hill Tracts area and small ethnic groups period holiday, 2020  সালের সরকারী ছুটির তালিকা। 

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