Primary and Ebtedayee Examination Result 2019 will be published of /12/2019. Directorate of Primary Education and Ministry of Primary and Mass Education published exam result in 2 different ways. Directorate of Primary Education and Ministry of Primary and Mass Education make different easy ways to deliver exam results to students at shortest possible time. Every student their good wishes can get Primary and Ebtedayee exam result by online/Internet, via mobile SMS. Online result checking method will be accessible all over the world where an Internet connection is available. And also you can check Primary and Ebtedayee results by sending an SMS from any mobile operator currently in Bangladesh.
Primary and Ebtedayee Examination 2019 Result:
Primary and Ebtedayee Result 2019:
a. Primary and Ebtedayee Result 2018 from the Internet :
1. At first Get Primary and Ebtedayee Result [Primary and Ebtedayee Result 2018 ##eye##] or
2. Then select “প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা সমাপনী পরীক্ষা/ইবতেদায়ী শিক্ষা সমাপনী পরীক্ষা/” on this option.
3. And then select “2019” on this year or another exam year.
4. Then select Division “ঢাকা/চট্টগ্রাম/....” option.
5. Then select District "পরীক্ষাথীর জেলা লিখতে হবে" on option.
6. Then select Thana"পরীক্ষাথীর থানা লিখতে হবে" on option.
7. After type six digits “পরীক্ষাথীর রোল নম্বর হবে” on option.
8. Then Click ’সমর্পন করুন’
b. Get your Primary and Ebtedayee exam result by SMS:
This is the most used and popular method to check the Primary and Ebtedayee results in 2019. If you want to check your results right from your home, then most probably you'll use this method to check your exam result.
Primary (PSC) Result SMS:
DPE <space> Thana Code <space> Primary Roll <space> 2018 send to 16222
Example: DPE 201 201524 2019 send to 16222
Ebtedayee (EBT) Result SMS:
EBT <space> Thana Code <space> Ebtedayee Roll <space> 2018 send to 16222
Example: EBT 324 35284 2019 send to 16222
Bangladesh All Thana Code:
Rajshahi District Thana Code:
Khulna District Thana Code:
Dhaka District Thana Code:
Chittagong District Thana Code:
Barishal District Thana Code:
Sylhet and Rangpur District Thana Code:
Rangpur District Thana Code:
Primary and Ebtedayee Result 2019 from DPE Teletalk Website:
Primary and Ebtedayee Result 2019:
Tags: Primary Exam Result 2019, Ebtedayee Exam Routine 2019, Ebtedayee Exam Result 2019, psc result 2019, result 2019, result 2019, ebtedayee madrasha exam result 2019, ebtedayee result 2019, ebtedayee result 2019,,, prathomik shikkha somaponi result 2019, prathomik somaponi result 2018, primary scholarship result 2019, primary scholarship result 2019, Primary school certificate exam result 2019, primary school certificate result 2019, PSC Exam Result 2019, dpe gov bd, psc exam result 2019, psc result 2019, PSC Result 2019 www mopme gov bd.
Primary and Ebtedayee Examination 2019 Result:
Primary and Ebtedayee Result 2019:
a. Primary and Ebtedayee Result 2018 from the Internet :
1. At first Get Primary and Ebtedayee Result [Primary and Ebtedayee Result 2018 ##eye##] or
2. Then select “প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা সমাপনী পরীক্ষা/ইবতেদায়ী শিক্ষা সমাপনী পরীক্ষা/” on this option.
3. And then select “2019” on this year or another exam year.
4. Then select Division “ঢাকা/চট্টগ্রাম/....” option.
5. Then select District "পরীক্ষাথীর জেলা লিখতে হবে" on option.
6. Then select Thana"পরীক্ষাথীর থানা লিখতে হবে" on option.
7. After type six digits “পরীক্ষাথীর রোল নম্বর হবে” on option.
8. Then Click ’সমর্পন করুন’
b. Get your Primary and Ebtedayee exam result by SMS:
This is the most used and popular method to check the Primary and Ebtedayee results in 2019. If you want to check your results right from your home, then most probably you'll use this method to check your exam result.
Primary (PSC) Result SMS:
DPE <space> Thana Code <space> Primary Roll <space> 2018 send to 16222
Example: DPE 201 201524 2019 send to 16222
Ebtedayee (EBT) Result SMS:
EBT <space> Thana Code <space> Ebtedayee Roll <space> 2018 send to 16222
Example: EBT 324 35284 2019 send to 16222
Bangladesh All Thana Code:
Rajshahi District Thana Code:
Khulna District Thana Code:
Dhaka District Thana Code:
Chittagong District Thana Code:
Barishal District Thana Code:
Sylhet and Rangpur District Thana Code:
Rangpur District Thana Code:
Primary and Ebtedayee Result 2019 from DPE Teletalk Website:
Primary and Ebtedayee Result 2019:
Tags: Primary Exam Result 2019, Ebtedayee Exam Routine 2019, Ebtedayee Exam Result 2019, psc result 2019, result 2019, result 2019, ebtedayee madrasha exam result 2019, ebtedayee result 2019, ebtedayee result 2019,,, prathomik shikkha somaponi result 2019, prathomik somaponi result 2018, primary scholarship result 2019, primary scholarship result 2019, Primary school certificate exam result 2019, primary school certificate result 2019, PSC Exam Result 2019, dpe gov bd, psc exam result 2019, psc result 2019, PSC Result 2019 www mopme gov bd.