Hello Students, are you looking for SSC Result 2020 by SMS? Okay, it's published here and today I going to share How to check SSC Exam Result 2020 by SMS method. It's easy to check and no need to have an internet connection. Under the education board result by SMS, students who attended Secondary School Certificate examination this year, they can get their result through mobile message and online also. Basically, the result checking website face loading problem when it published their result. For that, you need to send a mobile SMS and get it fast. In this post, today I will share the A to Z checking process for all education board Bangladesh.
If you want to check your result through the mobile SMS sending process, just follow this step. Go to message and type: SSC Your Board 1st Three Code Your SSC Roll No Your SSC Exam Year & Send Message to 16222
Teletalk SIM SSC Result SMS Code
Thank You.
How to Check SSC Result 2020 by SMS
If you are looking for SSC Result 2020 by TeleTalk or any other mobile operator, then you must need to know the result checking process. After finished the examination almost all students ask about SSC Result 2020 Publish Date. According to www.educationboardresults.gov.bd, the result will be published on 6th May 2020 and available online and SMS systems.If you want to check your result through the mobile SMS sending process, just follow this step. Go to message and type: SSC
Example: SSC SYL 707080 2020 and Send SMS to 16222You just put your board three-letter, write your roll number and examination year. Then send SMS to 16222. After sending, you will receive your result by reply SMS. It will be powered by TeleTalk and you also get your GPA based result too. To know your board's first three code, just follow the next option.