banglalink 10tk,50tk,100tk,300tk bundle pack offers!

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banglalink is offering 4 attractive bundle offers with talktime, SMS, MMS and internet!! with 3 categories (daily pack , weekly pack, monthly pack) for its prepaid customers!

►Details about the offer is given below:

• daily pack

• 10tk bundle pack :

- 12 minutes, (non fnf any numbers)
- 12 MB internet data,
- 12 SMS, (bl-bl)
- 12 MMS, bl-bl)
- only 10tk+VAT
- Validity 2 days,
- Usable Time : (24hrs)
- to buy, dial *132*10#

• weekly pack

• 50tk bundle pack:

- 75 minutes, (non fnf any numbers)
- 75 MB internet data,
- 75 SMS, (bl-bl)
- 75 MMS, bl-bl)
- only 50tk+VAT
- Validity 7 days,
- Usable Time : (24hrs)
- to buy, dial *132*50#

• 100tk bundle pack:

- 160 minutes, (non fnf any numbers)
- 160 MB internet data,
- 160 SMS, (bl-bl)
- 160 MMS, bl-bl)
- only 100tk+VAT
- Validity 15 days,
- Usable Time : (24hrs)
- to buy, dial *132*100#

• monthly pack

• 300tk bundle pack :

- 500 minutes, (non fnf any numbers)
- 200 MB internet data,
- 200 SMS, (bl-bl)
- 200 MMS, bl-bl)
- only 300tk+VAT
- Validity 30 days,
- Usable Time : (24hrs)
- to buy, dial *132*300#

► offer details/conditions:

• 10 sec pulse will be applicable on bundle minutes

• all banglalink pre-paid (without e-voucher) and call & control (without pco) customers can enjoy this offer.

• for check bundle balance dial *124*6# (for 5tk bundle) and *124*7# (all other bundles).

• a customer can buy any bundle as many times as s/he want.

• in case of multiple bundle purchase, longer validity will be applicable and the current bundle’s balance will be added with purchased bundle.

• vat applicable | for more details, please call 121/01911304121


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