How to stop or cancel or deactivate robi internet auto renewal feature :
Follow the Steps then try again:
Step 1# From your handset dial *8444# and press send or call button
Step 2# From the menu choose ‘Review Current Plan’ and choose the plan you want to deactivate
Step 3# Select the serial Number of your activated auto renewal plan (4MB/2GB/3GB etc respective data plan active serial number)
Step 4# From the menu you can press (1) for ‘Temporary Cancel Plan’ and (2) for ‘Cancel Plan Subscription’
Step 5# Reply 2, Cancel Plan subscription, to cancel your Plan permanently
Note: If you ‘Cancel Plan Subscription’ then you will not be able to reactivate the plan. Instead you will have to repurchase the plan once again.
how to stop or cancel or deactivate robi 2g or 3g internet auto renewal, how to stop robi internet auto renewal. how to stop robi 4mb 2tk pack, how to deactive robi 4mb 2tk pack,how to stop robi 4mb daily pack,robi 4mb daily pack off,robi 4mb deactivate,robi 4mb auto renew off