Grameenphone all prepaid (without ERS) and postpaid customers enjoy 90MB internet at 25Tk
Grameenphone 90MB internet 25Tk offer details
• GP 90MB @25tk, Validity: 2 days, To active dial *5000*110#
• To check remaining volume of data dial *567#
• Volume will not carry forward if any customer activates while enjoying any regular internet pack
• 3% SD,15% VAT, 1% SC applicable.
• To deactivate, write “STOP” and send SMS to 5000.
• This Promotional offer will running till further notice.
gp 90mb internet 25tk ,gp 90mb internet pack, gp 90mb@25tk
Grameenphone 90MB internet 25Tk offer details
• GP 90MB @25tk, Validity: 2 days, To active dial *5000*110#
• To check remaining volume of data dial *567#
• Volume will not carry forward if any customer activates while enjoying any regular internet pack
• 3% SD,15% VAT, 1% SC applicable.
• To deactivate, write “STOP” and send SMS to 5000.
• This Promotional offer will running till further notice.
gp 90mb internet 25tk ,gp 90mb internet pack, gp 90mb@25tk